{"id":"REDIUNLU_81848ba2981ddac3ff593c58363dc817","dc:title":"A georeferenced database of the edaphic biota currently available for Argentina [DATASET]","dc:creator":"Coviella, Carlos","dc:date":"2023","dc:description":["Los suelos han sido estudiados y clasificados en t\u00e9rminos de sus caracter\u00edsticas f\u00edsicas y qu\u00edmicas, mientras que el conocimiento sobre la biodiversidad y los procesos ecosist\u00e9micos que sustentan est\u00e1 rezagado. Adem\u00e1s, el avance del conocimiento cient\u00edfico aportado por diferentes investigadores est\u00e1 disperso y es necesario recopilarlo para enfocar el panorama general. Hoy es posible contar con los hallazgos y datos recopilados por diferentes investigadores, recopilarlos y, a partir de los avances tecnol\u00f3gicos, contar con herramientas que permitan analizar la informaci\u00f3n en su totalidad. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es recopilar y sistematizar toda la informaci\u00f3n bibliogr\u00e1fica disponible sobre los principales organismos que componen la biodiversidad del suelo: Acari, Collembola y Crassiclitellata en Argentina. Un segundo objetivo es vincular la composici\u00f3n y estructura de la comunidad del suelo con procesos y flujos en el ecosistema, y \u200b\u200bestimarlos a diferentes escalas y en suelos con diferentes impactos antr\u00f3picos. La base de datos aqu\u00ed presentada, recopila informaci\u00f3n de presencia de los taxones mencionados, su ubicaci\u00f3n geogr\u00e1fica para todo el pa\u00eds, preservando la identidad y autor\u00eda de cada trabajo cient\u00edfico consultado. El rango taxon\u00f3mico de los organismos de la biota ed\u00e1fica recolectados en esta base de datos va desde clase hasta subespecies, y se registran con base en el nivel taxon\u00f3mico informado por el autor original en su investigaci\u00f3n. Las publicaciones fueron obtenidas de Google Scholar, Scopus y JSTOR; Adem\u00e1s, se agregaron registros de tesis del INEDES, b\u00fasquedas en bibliotecas, informaci\u00f3n solicitada a autores citados en otros art\u00edculos y trabajos in\u00e9ditos. En total, se recopil\u00f3 informaci\u00f3n de 224 trabajos cient\u00edficos publicados, as\u00ed como informaci\u00f3n personal solicitada directamente a algunos autores. El n\u00famero total de individuos registrados hasta el momento es de 4838 de los cuales 3049 ejemplares corresponden a Acari, 944 a Classiclitellata y 845 pertenecen a Collembola.","Soils have been studied and classified in terms of their physical and chemical characteristics, while the knowledge about biodiversity and the ecosystem processes that they support is lagging behind. Furthermore, the advance in scientific knowledge contributed by different researchers is dispersed and it is necessary to collect it to bring the big picture into focus. Today it is possible to have the findings and data collected by different researchers, compile them and, based on technological advances, have tools that allow the information to be analyzed in its entirety. The main objective of this work is to compile and systematize all the bibliographic information available on the main organisms that make up biodiversity in the soil: Acari, Collembola and Crassiclitellata in Argentina. A second objective, is to link the composition and structure of the soil community with processes and flows in the ecosystem, and to estimate them at different scales and in soils with different anthropic impact. The database presented here, gathers presence information on the mentioned taxa, their geographical location for the entire country, while preserving the identity and authorship of each scientific work consulted. The taxonomic range of the organisms of the edaphic biota collected in this database ranges from class to subspecies, and are registered based on the taxonomic level reported by the original author in his or her research. The publications were obtained from Google Scholar, Scopus and JSTOR; In addition, records were added from INEDES theses, library searches, information requested from authors cited in other articles and unpublished works. In total, information was collected from 224 published scientific works, as well as personal information requested directly to some authors. The total number of registered individuals so far is 4838 of which 3049 specimens correspond to Acari, 944 to Classiclitellata and 845 belong to Collembola."],"dc:format":["application\/octet-stream"],"dc:language":["eng","en"],"dc:type":"dataset","dc:subject":["Biodiversidad del Suelo","Clitellata","Collembola","Acari"],"dc:rights":["info:eu-repo\/semantics\/openAccess","https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-nc\/2.5\/ar\/"],"dc:publisher":"Instituto de Ecologia y Desarrollo Sustentable (INEDES)","dc:identifier":"https:\/\/repositoriosdigitales.mincyt.gob.ar\/vufind\/Record\/REDIUNLU_81848ba2981ddac3ff593c58363dc817"}