{"id":"RDUUNC_7d06ee53c73d1d1cbd878fd499c82cf2","dc:title":"A Correlated-k Parameterization for O2 Photolysis in the Schumann-Runge Bands","dc:creator":"Kasting, James F.","dc:date":"2023","dc:description":["This dataset includes the correlated-k table (both 4- and 12- terms, named as 'k4_O2SR.dat' and 'k12_O2SR.dat', respectively) used in our 1-D photochemical model for parameterizing O2 absorption cross sections in the O2 Schumann-Runge (SR) bands (175\u2013205 nm). Transmission data are saved in files 'Transmission_.csv'. Photolysis frequencies and rates for gases calculated from the 1-D photochemical model can be accessed in files 'PHOTO_.csv'. Matlab is used to plot figures, and the code is in 'OLD_CORRK.m'. '.zip' files should be decompressed for using 1-D output data. Those data are comparisons of different O2 photolysis parameterizations (AF82 band model, Old exponential sum, WACCM, Correlated-k) at the SR bands with\/without scattering in the 1-D photochemical model. Specifically, in '1PAL.zip' and '0001PAL.zip', '00' refers to WACCM without scattering, '01' refers to WACCM with scattering, '10' refers to correlated-k without scattering, '11' refers to correlated-k with scattering. 'OLD_1PAL.zip' refers to the 1-D model with old exponential sum fits. 'AF_1PAL.zip' refers to the 1-D model with AF82 band model. All the files can be open with MATLAB code 'OLD_CORRK.m' and be used to plotting all the figures in the paper 'A Correlated-k Parameterization for O2 Photolysis in the Schumann-Runge Bands'. Este conjunto de datos corresponde al art\u00edculo A Correlated-K Parameterization for O2 Photolysis in the Schumann-Runge Bands."],"dc:format":["application\/zip"],"dc:language":["eng"],"dc:type":"dataset","dc:subject":["O2 Photolysis","Schumann\u2010Runge Band","Ozone column depths","Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model version 6","Models in parameterizing photolysis"],"dc:rights":["info:eu-repo\/semantics\/openAccess"],"dc:relation":["11086\/552453"],"dc:identifier":"https:\/\/repositoriosdigitales.mincyt.gob.ar\/vufind\/Record\/RDUUNC_7d06ee53c73d1d1cbd878fd499c82cf2"}