{"id":"RDUUNC_0c5c795d0c5f0e57c3c6899c0618e608","dc:title":"Dataset and R Code for: Longitudinal evidence on mental health changes of college students with and without mental disorder background during the Argentina\u2019s lengthy mandatory quarantine","dc:creator":"L\u00f3pez Steinmetz, Lorena Cecilia","dc:date":"2021","dc:description":["This study is part of a broader longitudinal study, with two-repeated measures, in which we assessed several mental health-related variables. In this study we are aimed at examine the within-person changes in the mental health state of college students with and without mental disorder background, during successive time cuts of the Argentina\u2019s lengthy mandatory quarantine, while adjusting for quarantine duration, main demographic factors (sex and age), and additional factors such as suicidal behavior history, loneliness, and region of residence.","Este estudio forma parte de un estudio longitudinal m\u00e1s amplio, con dos medidas repetidas, en el que evaluamos diversas variables relacionadas con la salud mental. En este estudio nos proponemos examinar los cambios intrapersonales en el estado de salud mental de estudiantes universitarios con y sin antecedentes de trastornos mentales, durante los sucesivos cortes temporales de la prolongada cuarentena obligatoria de Argentina, ajustando al mismo tiempo por la duraci\u00f3n de la cuarentena, los principales factores demogr\u00e1ficos (sexo y edad), y factores adicionales como los antecedentes de conducta suicida, la soledad y la regi\u00f3n de residencia."],"dc:format":["application\/zip"],"dc:language":["eng"],"dc:type":"dataset","dc:subject":["SARS-CoV-2","COVID-19","Cuarentena","Mental health","College students","Quarantine"],"dc:coverage":["ARG"],"dc:rights":["info:eu-repo\/semantics\/openAccess"],"dc:relation":["info:eu-repo\/semantics\/reference\/url\/https:\/\/osf.io\/64xfv\/","info:eu-repo\/semantics\/dataset\/https:\/doi\/10.17605\/OSF.IO\/64XFV"],"dc:identifier":"https:\/\/repositoriosdigitales.mincyt.gob.ar\/vufind\/Record\/RDUUNC_0c5c795d0c5f0e57c3c6899c0618e608"}