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Compilación de datos de isótopos estables (d13C y d18O) de foraminíferos bénticos provenientes de testigos de sedimentos y sus correspondientes modelos de edad

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Compilación de datos de isótopos estables (d13C y d18O) de foraminíferos bénticos provenientes de testigos de sedimentos y sus correspondientes modelos de edad
Afiliación(es) del/de los autor(es)
Muglia, Juan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Centro para el Estudio de Sistemas Marinos; Argentina
Michel, Elisabeth. Universite Paris-Saclay ;
Muschitiello, Francesco. University of Cambridge; Estados Unidos
Naik, Sushant. CSIR National Institute of Oceanography; Australia
Okazaki, Yusuke. Kyushu University; Japón
Stott, Lowell. University of Southern California; Estados Unidos
Voelker, Antje. No especifíca;
Zhao, Ning. East China Normal University.; China
Repschläger, Janne. Max Planck Institute For Chemistry; Alemania
Martinez Mendez, Gema. Helmholtz Institute For Functional Marine Biodiversity; Alemania
Lund, David. University of Connecticut; Estados Unidos
Gottschalk, Julia. Christian Albrechts Universitat Zu Kiel; Alemania
Mulitza, Stefan. Marum Zen­trum Für Ma­ri­ne Um­welt­wis­sen­schaf­ten; Alemania
Schmittner, Andreas. State University Of Oregon. College Of Earth, Ocean And Atmospheric Sciences.; Estados Unidos
Lembke Jene, Lester. Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung; Alemania
Lisiecki, Lorraine. University of California; Estados Unidos
Mix, Alan. State University Of Oregon. College Of Earth, Ocean And Atmospheric Sciences.; Estados Unidos
Saraswat, Rajeev. National Institute of Oceanography; Australia
Sikes, Elizabeth. Rutgers University; Estados Unidos
Waelbroeck, Claire. Sorbonne University; Francia
Lippold, Jörg. Heidelberg University; Alemania
In paleoceanography, carbon and oxygen stable isotope ratios from benthic foraminifera are used as tracers of physical and biogeochemical properties of the deep ocean. We present the first version of the Ocean Carbon Cycling working group database, of stable isotope ratios of oxygen and carbon from benthic foraminifera from deep ocean sediment cores from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 23-20 ky before present (BP)) to the Holocene (<10 ky BP) with a particular focus on the early last deglaciation (20-15 ky BP). It includes 287 globally distributed coring sites, with metadata, isotopic and chronostratigraphic information, and age models. A quality check was performed for all data and age models. Sites with at least millennial resolution were preferred, because the main goal is to resolve ocean changes associated with the last deglaciation on at least millennial timescales. Software tools were produced to access and analyze the data, and are included with this publication. Deep water mass structure as well as differences between the early deglaciation and LGM are captured by the data in the compilation, even though its coverage is still sparse in many ocean regions. We find high correlations among time series calculated with different age models at sites that allow such analysis. The database provides a useful dynamical approach to map physical and biogeochemical changes of the ocean throughout the last deglaciation.
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Formato (Tipo MIME)
Clasificación temática de acuerdo a la FORD
Ciencias de la tierra y ciencias ambientales relacionadas
Condiciones de uso
Disponible en acceso abierto bajo licencia Creative Commons https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ar/
Repositorio digital
CONICET Digital (CONICET) - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Identificador de proyecto
Ministerio de Ciencia. Tecnología e Innovación Productiva. Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica/Simulaciones computacionales para efectos de cambio climático sobre el Océano Global y el Atlántico Sur
Identificador de proyecto
/Simulaciones computacionales para efectos de cambio climático sobre el Océano Global y el Atlántico Sur


Muglia, Juan Michel, Elisabeth Muschitiello, Francesco Naik, Sushant Okazaki, Yusuke Stott, Lowell Voelker, Antje Zhao, Ning Repschläger, Janne Martinez Mendez, Gema Lund, David Gottschalk, Julia Mulitza, Stefan Schmittner, Andreas Lembke Jene, Lester Lisiecki, Lorraine Mix, Alan Saraswat, Rajeev Sikes, Elizabeth Waelbroeck, Claire Lippold, Jörg (): Compilación de datos de isótopos estables (d13C y d18O) de foraminíferos bénticos provenientes de testigos de sedimentos y sus correspondientes modelos de edad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, http://hdl.handle.net/11336/175009.

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