{"id":"CONICETDig_e75f7c9ce13493cdf395c9f567b33fdd","dc:title":"Caracterizaci\u00f3n de una microvariante del locus DYS533 y su relaci\u00f3n con su origen geogr\u00e1fico","dc:creator":"Corach, Daniel","dc:date":"2024","dc:description":["We typed 1541 Y-STR haplotypes from reference samples along forensic casework investigations. In three haplotypes, we detected a variant allele designed as 16.3 at locus DYS533. This was confirmed by amplification using two commercial kits. Sanger sequencing revealing a novel motif corresponding to [TATC]12 repeats with a 19-bp insertion in the flanking upstream region. We propose its origin as an insertion at 9.1 upstream of the repeat motifs. We searched other local databases and found this allele in various geographical areas of Argentina and neighbouring countries. The haplotypes share a common core of 10 Y-STRs (DYS389-I\/13; DYS389-II\/30; DYS19\/14; DYS481\/22; DYS438\/12; DYS437\/16; DYS635\/23; DYS392\/13; DYS393\/13; GATA H4\/11) and belong to the R1b haplogroup. This 16.3 allele is restricted to southern South America, which allows us to propose a local and relatively recent origin. The sequence described herein constitutes a novelty that could be considered in future criteria for the nomenclature of STRs based on massively parallel sequencing."],"dc:format":["application\/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"],"dc:language":["eng"],"dc:type":"dataset","dc:rights":["info:eu-repo\/semantics\/openAccess","https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/2.5\/ar\/"],"dc:identifier":"https:\/\/repositoriosdigitales.mincyt.gob.ar\/vufind\/Record\/CONICETDig_e75f7c9ce13493cdf395c9f567b33fdd"}