{"id":"CONICETDig_8ed0447f4d381be1a31d080ce23c1538","dc:title":"Effects of anther-stigma position on cross-pollination efficiency in a hermaphroditic plant: data and code","dc:creator":"Fornoni, Juan","dc:date":"2024","dc:description":["Data and Scripts for Reproducing the Results in the Manuscript: \"Effects of Anther-Stigma Position on Cross-Pollination Efficiency in a Hermaphroditic Plant\" Variable Definitions for Each Dataset 1) Pollen Transfer Experiment Dataset Source: genetic line: Parental plant cloned Pollen Movement: s: Number of pollen grains on the stigma of focal plants of the same color as their stamens, indicating self-pollination. Pr: Number of pollen grains on the stigma of focal plants stained with the color of peripheral plants, indicating cross-pollination through pollen reception. Pd: Number of pollen grains on the stigmas of peripheral plants corresponding to the color of the focal flower, indicating cross-pollination through pollen donation. pollen_export: Efficiency of cross-pollination through pollen donation (%) = [(Pd)\/(Pd + s)] x 100; percent of pollen exported from focal to peripheral flowers relative to total pollen delivered. pollen_import: Efficiency of cross-pollination through pollen reception (%) = [(Pr)\/(Pr+s)] x 100; percent of imported pollen from peripheral to focal flowers relative to total pollen received. Floral Traits: sep: Sepal length of the focal plant long_pet: Petal length of the focal plant ancho_pet: Petal width of the focal plant estam: Stamen length of the focal plant estilo: Style length of the focal plant hercogamia: Herkogamy of the focal plant Peripheral Plants: PF1: Peripheral plant 1 PF2: Peripheral plant 2 PF3: Peripheral plant 3 Each floral trait is recorded for each peripheral plant: PF1_sep, PF1_long_pet, PF1_ancho_pet, PF1_estam, PF1_estilo PF2_sep, PF2_long_pet, PF2_ancho_pet, PF2_estam, PF2_estilo PF3_sep, PF3_long_pet, PF3_ancho_pet, PF3_estam, PF3_estilo Anther-Stigma Mismatch Between Arrangements: optimo_importacion: Average style length of peripheral plants in each arrangement. optimo_exportacion: Average stigma length of peripheral plants in each arrangement. ajuste_importacion: Difference between the style length of the focal plant (\"estilo\" variable) and the average style length of peripheral plants in each arrangement (\"optimo_exportacion\" variable). ajuste_exportacion: Difference between the stamen length of the focal plant (\"estam\" variable) and the average stigma length of peripheral plants in each arrangement (\"optimo_importacion\" variable). 2) Genetic Variation, Heritability, and Correlations Dataset Source: genetic line: Parental plant cloned indv: Individual number flor: Flower number Floral Traits: sep: Sepal length of the focal plant long_pet: Petal length of the focal plant ancho_pet: Petal width of the focal plant estam: Stamen length of the focal plant estilo: Style length of the focal plant hercogamia: Herkogamy of the focal plant."],"dc:format":["application\/octet-stream","application\/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"],"dc:language":["eng"],"dc:type":"dataset","dc:rights":["info:eu-repo\/semantics\/openAccess","https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/2.5\/ar\/"],"dc:relation":["info:eu-repo\/grantAgreement\/Universidad Nacional Aut\u00f3noma de M\u00e9xico\/IN210617","info:eu-repo\/grantAgreement\/Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnolog\u00eda e Innovaci\u00f3n Productiva. Agencia Nacional de Promoci\u00f3n Cient\u00edfica y Tecnol\u00f3gica. Fondo para la Investigaci\u00f3n Cient\u00edfica y Tecnol\u00f3gica\/IN210617"],"dc:identifier":"https:\/\/repositoriosdigitales.mincyt.gob.ar\/vufind\/Record\/CONICETDig_8ed0447f4d381be1a31d080ce23c1538"}