{"id":"CONICETDig_834c9ec5e9c862be6d15d4c8faf3be3f","dc:title":"Resultados diagn\u00f3sticos de campylobacteriosis de La Pampa entre 2008 y 2021","dc:creator":"Oyhenart, Jorge","dc:date":"2024","dc:description":["Bovine genital campylobacteriosis (BC) produced by Campylobacter fetus venerealis presents with transient infertility in the herd. Different measures, including vaccines, antibiotics and testing-and-culling help control BC. In 2006, the state of La Pampa in Argentina implemented a control program to eradicate BC and bovine trichomonosis which reached the entire state in 2008. Every year, all bulls are diagnosed and positives must be discarded. Here, the results of BC diagnoses obtained between 2008 and 2021 are provided. Between 2008 and 2018 BC was diagnosed though indirect immunofluorescence and two consecutive tests should be performed before declaring a bull was safe. Since 2019 most of the tests were performed through a multiplex PCR method. Details on the efficacy of these tests was never disclosed."],"dc:format":["application\/octet-stream"],"dc:language":["eng"],"dc:type":"dataset","dc:rights":["info:eu-repo\/semantics\/openAccess","https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/2.5\/ar\/"],"dc:identifier":"https:\/\/repositoriosdigitales.mincyt.gob.ar\/vufind\/Record\/CONICETDig_834c9ec5e9c862be6d15d4c8faf3be3f"}