{"id":"CONICETDig_6e36ff27b8b9a972888ebd48abb6216b","dc:title":"Paleo\u00b1Dust: Quantifying uncertainty in paleo-dust deposition across archive types","dc:creator":"Aloys, Bory","dc:date":"2024","dc:description":["Paleo\u00b1Dust is an updated compilation of bulk and <10-\u00b5m paleo-dust deposition rate with quantitative 1-\u03c3 uncertainties that are inter-comparable among archive types (lake sediment cores, marine sediment cores, polar ice cores, peat bog cores, loess samples). Paleo\u00b1Dust incorporates a total of 285 pre-industrial Holocene (pi-HOL) and 209 Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) dust flux constraints from studies published until December 2022. We also recalculate previously published dust fluxes to exclude data from the last deglaciation and thus obtain more representative constraints for the last pre-industrial interglacial and glacial end-member climate states. Metadata include all components necessary to derive dust deposition rate, including: age range, thickness, density, eolian content. We also include 1-sigma uncertainties on each of these components, and on the final bulk and <10-\u00b5m dust deposition rates. Specific notes for each site and a list of references are also included."],"dc:format":["application\/zip"],"dc:language":["eng"],"dc:type":"dataset","dc:rights":["info:eu-repo\/semantics\/openAccess","https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by-nc-sa\/2.5\/ar\/"],"dc:relation":["info:eu-repo\/grantAgreement\/\/ANID-FONDECYT-POSTDOCTORADO2020-3200085"],"dc:identifier":"https:\/\/repositoriosdigitales.mincyt.gob.ar\/vufind\/Record\/CONICETDig_6e36ff27b8b9a972888ebd48abb6216b"}